- Allow people to subscribe you on facebook. To this go to https://www.facebook.com/about/subscribe and enable subscribers.
- After enabling subscribing option go to http://www.likelo.com and get your access token by cicking on 'click here' on the site's homepage.

- After you click on 'click here' you might be asked to allow permissions to a facebook application. After installing copy the url of that page which is your Access Token, it will be like
RI3fTkTrrHqVI8LmZBWBTrZBd0VgpGSVXwBctohE3vp0mvM49wF1BRvF2Lqi6i3xSrGbsZCcZD&ex pires_in=0
- Copy it and paste on the box provided in Likehoot homepage and click submit.

- Wait for the next page to load with some subscribe buttons. Subscribe any one there and click submit button. (Subscribing is not compulsory)

-Next page you get will be having your 5 recent updates with a subscribe button corresponding to each. Click on the submit button of your update for which you need hooping likes.

-Most probably after doing this you may be asked to login to your facebook account again. This doesn't happen all the time. Its good if it happens so
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