Note: You need Mozilla firefox ver 4-7 before you can do this cookie edit...
Step1. Start Firefox.
Step2. Look for Add-ons and click on it.
Step3. A new tab will open on your firefox browser. Then there search for Cookie Manager or Add & Edit Cookie or any other add-on that will support edit and add cookie function.
Step4. Install the add-on and restart the firefox browser.
Step5. Then go to filehost site you want to login as premium. Ex.,,, and etc...
Step6. Register and Login as regular or free member
Step7. Go to the Firefox menu again and find the Edit Cookie or Cookie Manager option. *on Older version of firefox, you can find it under Tools Menu... On Newer version of firefox, you can find it under Web Developer Menu.
Step8. When you open it there is empty box. On this tutorial, let's try put in there "megaupload" then press Filter/refresh button.
Step9. There you should see cookie named "user" or "nickname" on some filehost like filesonic. Click on it and then click on button "edit".
Step10. Then there should pop-up "add/edit cookie" window. Fill in there the premium cookie content you have been given.
Step11. Press "save" and Close cookie editor.
Step12. Refresh the site and now enjoy the premium account!!!
Step1. Start Firefox.
Step2. Look for Add-ons and click on it.
Step3. A new tab will open on your firefox browser. Then there search for Cookie Manager or Add & Edit Cookie or any other add-on that will support edit and add cookie function.
Step4. Install the add-on and restart the firefox browser.
Step5. Then go to filehost site you want to login as premium. Ex.,,, and etc...
Step6. Register and Login as regular or free member
Step7. Go to the Firefox menu again and find the Edit Cookie or Cookie Manager option. *on Older version of firefox, you can find it under Tools Menu... On Newer version of firefox, you can find it under Web Developer Menu.
Step8. When you open it there is empty box. On this tutorial, let's try put in there "megaupload" then press Filter/refresh button.
Step9. There you should see cookie named "user" or "nickname" on some filehost like filesonic. Click on it and then click on button "edit".
Step10. Then there should pop-up "add/edit cookie" window. Fill in there the premium cookie content you have been given.
Step11. Press "save" and Close cookie editor.
Step12. Refresh the site and now enjoy the premium account!!!
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