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How to Install Japanese Font

How to Install Japanese Font
If your computer does not recognize Japanese characters, ( to display the boxes), you first need to install Japanese fonts.

How to install Japanese fonts in Windows XP
1. Login Control Panel, select Regional and Language Options

2. Select the Languages tab, check the Install files for East Asian Languages, click OK

3. Insert the Windows XP CD requested. Wait until the process is complete copy of the CD.
(When asked to find the file, look in the directory the CD in the folder "i386" or "LANG", this happens when different versions of XP CD
with that installed)

4. Restart the computer.

Furthermore, how to write Japanese characters on a computer
1. Reopen the Control Panel, Regional and Languages Options, Languages tab incoming

2. Click the Details button on the Text Services and Input Languages

3. On the next page, click the Add button

4. Select the input language: Japanese

5. Tick n the Keyboard Layout / IM, click OK

6. Now in the status bar (bottom right), there is optional to write Japanese fonts. Can also use
shortcut Alt + Shift to change the language


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